Careers Education at Park Academy West London

Our vision is to be more than just a school; to be part of a journey taking our students from Year 7 all the way through to their chosen career path, enabling them to be the best that they can be and ensuring the best outcomes for their future.

Key to this vision is that the Careers Programme is woven into the fabric of their journey at Park Academy West London from Year 7 until the moment we bid farewell at the end of Year 13.   We are committed to helping our students to build their own pathway to achieve their goals and aspire to be the leaders of their generation.

The intent of Park Academy West London’s Career Programme are:

  • To ensure that all students enjoy equal opportunities and access to education and training leading to recognised qualifications which meet their needs and aspirations.
  • To ensure that all students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
  • To promote the development of future skills.
  • To promote self-development whereby students learn how to understand themselves and develop their capabilities.
  • To encourage students to investigate careers and opportunities
  • To provide students with opportunities for meaningful experiences with further and higher education providers and employers.
  • To ensure that students learn how to implement their career roadmaps and plans.

Our Careers Programme ensures we are compliant with the Gatsby Benchmarks and all Statutory Guidance enabling our students to be fully prepared for life beyond our walls.  Opportunities for our students include:

  • A range of employer encounters including the British Army, the Metropolitan Police, Princess Alice Hospice, IMG and Heathrow Airport;
  • Presentations and workshops from providers of apprenticeships and technical qualifications;
  • Independent careers advice provided by the Education Development Trust;
  • Full access to Unifrog to research careers, further education and record interactions;
  • Links with a range of Universities including Brunel University, St Anne’s College Oxford University, Peterhouse Cambridge, Kingston University and St Mary’s University;
  • Work shadowing and work experience;
  • Deep learning activities focused on personal finance, enterprise and developing employability skills.

We use the Gatsby Benchmarks alongside the Compass Tool to evalute our careers programme. We also use feedback from students, employers, parents and teachers to review and improve our provision. This is completed in various ways including through feedback from work experience placements, reviewing destinations data and Google form feedback.

Information on this site is reviewed annually in July.

Our Careers Roadmap from Year 7 to Year 13 can be viewed here: Careers Roadmap

For further information, please contact Radha Sehdev, Careers Lead, via the Main Academy Reception (01895 430 066) or email

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