Apprenticeships and Traineeships are becoming a real alternative route for those leaving school as it allows them to gain real life work experience, study towards a relevant qualification in that industry field and receive a wage for their work. There has never been a better time to consider an apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships are stereotyped as a ‘second rate’ option but this couldn’t be more misguided; there are many subject options which allow an apprentice to study to degree level, same as what they would receive at university and get the benefit of combining these qualifications with years of practical experience.

Apprenticeships take between 1 and 5 years to complete, and cover 1,500 job roles in a wide range of industries, from engineering to accountancy, public relations to veterinary nursing.

The parent’s guide to apprenticeships (linked below) offers useful downloads as well as more information on the benefits of an apprenticeship and the entry requirements.

For further information on apprenticeships and traineeships, see here: Factsheet

If you have any questions regarding your young person and apprenticeships please contact Beth Reynolds, Senior Vice Principal and Careers Lead.

Useful Links

Government Parents Guide

Link to Browse Apprenticeships

Local Labour Market and Apprenticeship Opportunities

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