Students in Years 7 to 11 wear the Park Academy West London uniform. Students in Years 12 and 13 are expected to wear formal business suits.
The Academy’s uniform can be purchased direct from the suppliers, Brigade, by following the link below. Please be aware that uniform orders must be placed before 2nd August 2024 to ensure you receive delivery before the start of the Summer Term 2024.
Brigade Summer 2024 Measuring Guide for Uniform Orders
Brigade Uniform Suppliers – Website
Park Academy West London Uniform [Visual] 2024
Document: Equipment and Suppliers
Uniform Guidance
Years 7 – 11
Please note that all students are required to be in full uniform at all times and this includes the journeys to and from the Academy. Below is a summary of our expectations:
- Park Academy girls’ blazer.
- Park Academy clip-on tie, which must be worn over a closed top button. Any broken ties will need to be replaced.
- Plain white collared shirt with a top button which must be done up.
- Park Academy jumper or Plain black jumper (long-sleeved or sleeveless).
- Black pleated, knee length uniform skirt, tailored straight-cut trousers. Casual “leisure/chino/boot-leg/jeans style”, trousers or those which are tight on the thighs or flared at the ankle are not allowed. Tight fitting trousers and Lycra skirts are not appropriate.
- A plain black belt. Open belts or belts with large buckles are not allowed.
- Plain black socks, plain black opaque tights or flesh tone tights.
- Plain black low heeled fully enclosed leather shoes. Any logos or branding must be discreet. No trainers, boots, open toed, high heeled or other unsuitable footwear is allowed. Shoes that are robust enough for poor weather should be purchased. Fashionable shoes are not appropriate. Laces, stitching and soles on shoes must be black.
- Park Academy boys’ blazer.
- Park Academy clip-on tie, which must be worn over a closed top button Any broken ties will need to be replaced.
Park Academy jumper or plain black jumper (long-sleeved or sleeveless). - Plain white collared shirt, with a top button which must be done up.
- Plain black uniform style tailored trousers. Casual “leisure/chino/boot-leg/jean style” trousers are not allowed.
- A plain black belt. Open belts or belts with large buckles are not allowed.
- Plain black socks.
- Plain black low heeled fully enclosed leather shoes. No trainers, boots, or other unsuitable footwear is allowed. Shoes that are robust enough for poor weather should be purchased. Fashionable shoes are not necessarily appropriate. Laces, stitching and soles on shoes must be black.
P.E. Kit
Students must wear Park Academy P.E. kit in all P.E. lessons. The rules are as follows:
- The Brigade PE t-shirt must be worn
- Any black Shorts can be worn
- Any pair of plain white socks can be worn
- Any pair of Trainers or football boots (for field use)
- The black hoodie from Brigade can be worn for PE only
- Optional items include: shin guards, gum shields etc, according to the age of the student and the sport being played.
- Girls’ and Boys’ Coats
- Plain black waterproof coats, with no stripes or designs or patterns or slogans on them. No ‘hoodies’, cardigans or tracksuit tops of any description are allowed in the building or playground at any time and will be confiscated if seen.
Hairstyles and Nails
Students are not to wear extreme hairstyles (e.g. lines shaved into hair, number 1 shave, extreme colours, lengths, Mohican styles etc). The academy reserves the right to decide what is extreme but invites students and parents to ask in advance if they need guidance. Nail extensions and nail varnish are not acceptable. All students will be asked to remove nail extensions and nail varnish. Parents are advised to ensure that their children know the implications of this rule. Hair clips must be small in size and have one plain, dark colour. Again, the Academy reserves the right to decide what is acceptable.
Students in Years 7-11 should not wear makeup at all including nail varnish. Lipstick, eye shadow and blusher are not appropriate. False eyelashes are not allowed. Any excesses will be challenged and the academy will reserve the right to decide on appropriate action. Makeup wipes will be provided to remove makeup.
Hats and Scarves
Hats must be plain black and woollen and can only be worn in winter months. Baseball caps are not acceptable. Scarves, including headscarves, must be black and plain. No hats are to be worn in the building or playground.
Piercings, Jewellery and Tattoos
There are to be no piercings at all, except for 1 small, plain gold or silver stud at the bottom of each ear. No deviation from this rule will be allowed due to Health and Safety requirements. No students will be allowed to enter Park Academy or lessons with other facial piercings. No other jewellery should be worn except for a discreet watch, if required. Students will not be allowed to enter Park Academy with a visible tattoo.
School Bag
Students are only allowed to use the branded Academy bag, which are available from Brigade, our uniform provider. No other bags are permitted and these will be confiscated if brought on site. Students must bring the following items with them to school, every day: planner, pencil case with the listed items, a scientific calculator, and other equipment required for lessons on the day e.g. PE kit or Food Technology ingredients. There should be no expectation that the academy will lend students any equipment at all. Those arriving without the minimum requirement will receive appropriate sanction.
Pencil Case
Students are required to have a 30cm, clear pencil case with them as part of their equipment, which can be purchased at Student Services. This should contain pens, pencils and a mathematical set (including a 30cm ruler, compass, protractor and eraser).
Vest, T shirts and Other Undergarments
T shirts, vests and other undergarments worn under white school shirts must be subtle and plain and not clearly visible.
Second-hand uniform
We do have some second hand uniform available to purchase at the Academy. Please contact reception if you are interested in purchasing any.