Our SEND policy is in accordance with the Park Academy’s aims, its Teaching and Learning policies, its Equality of Opportunity, as well as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014. Park Academy West London is committed to inclusion: ensuring all students, regardless of ability or behaviour, are valued members of the school community being continually challenged to reach their full potential.
At Park Academy, students with different learning requirements are supported to progress academically, socially and emotionally. We aim to educate and support students, teachers, and families, so that students with special educational needs not only feel included in the school community, but are able to succeed within it. We believe that it is crucial for students to become independent learners, developing the skills they need to live, learn and thrive in the wider community, and pursue their post-16 goals with the resilience they will need to succeed in the adult world.
What is SEND?
The term ‘special educational needs and disabilities’ (SEND) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age.
If your child has special educational needs, he or she may need extra help in a range of areas, for example:
School work, reading, writing, number work or understanding information, expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying, making friends or relating to adults, behaving properly in school, organising themselves, some kind of sensory or physical needs which may affect them in school.
Through effective liaison with primary schools, we ensure that pupils with special educational needs are identified at the point of transfer. The Academy also has systems to identify and provide appropriate support for pupils who may present with special educational needs during their time at the Academy.
We recognise the importance of making and maintaining strong home-Academy links and, at all times, endeavour to work closely with parents and pupils to ensure that their wishes.
Please see the statutory policies page for the SEND policy
At Park Academy, students with different learning requirements are supported to progress academically, socially and emotionally. Our wide range of interventions support children inside, outside and beyond the classroom. Our interventions include:
- Targeted registration reading groups
- Nurture groups
- ASD specific interventions
- Self-Esteem interventions
- KS3 Fresh Start for English
- KS3 Fresh Start for Maths
- Class support
- Tranquillity Room for specific students
- Home Work Club
- Post-16 options & application support for Year 11
Our special educational needs co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Ms R Matharu.
Guiding Principles:
- To challenge all SEND students to realise their full potential academically and socially.
- To raise the self-esteem of students with special educational needs, encouraging each child, developing their independence as a learner and as a member of the school community.
- To foster positive relationships with parents and carers, striving to work in partnership with the shared aim of a student’s academic success and emotional wellbeing.
- To ensure early identification assessment for any student who may have special educational needs.
- To ensure all staff take responsibility for including students with Special Educational Needs and supporting them in accessing the curriculum by differentiating for their needs.
- To follow the Code of SEND Practice (2002) and all subsequent changes in national policies and guidelines
For further information, please consult our SEND Policy, or contact our SENDCo, Ms Matharu: rmatharu@park-aspirations.org
At Park Academy our aim is to ensure that all our pupils achieve their full potential, both academically and socially. In accordance with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015, and the Academy Special Educational Needs Inclusion Policy, we recognise that children have special educational needs if they have a “learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision” to be made for them.
We are fully inclusive and all children are actively encouraged to participate in all activities. Our site and facilities are fully accessible for all students, including those with disabilities, including wheel chair access.
What is SEND?
The term ‘special educational needs’ (SEND) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age.
If your child has special educational needs, he or she may need extra help in a range of areas, for example:
School work, reading, writing, number work or understanding information, expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying, making friends or relating to adults, behaving properly in school, organising themselves, some kind of sensory or physical needs which may affect them in school.
Through effective liaison with primary schools, we ensure that pupils with special educational needs are identified at the point of transfer. The Academy also has systems to identify and provide appropriate support for pupils who may present with special educational needs during their time at the Academy.
We recognise the importance of making and maintaining strong home-Academy links and, at all times, endeavour to work closely with parents and pupils to ensure that their wishes and concerns are always fully considered. We also aim to promote and maintain effective communication between all professionals involved with the pupil.
Your child’s progress
Children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. When planning lessons based around the National Curriculum, your child’s teacher will take this into account by looking carefully at how they organise their lessons, classroom, books and materials.
The teacher will then choose suitable ways to help your child learn from a range of activities (often described as ‘differentiating the curriculum’).
Some students may need additional support which may include a:
- Teaching Assistant in class, in a group, 1:1 or in seclusion
- Learning Support Specialist Teacher
If your child has special educational needs which you’d like to discuss please get in contact by email: send@park-aspirations.com.